Sowmya Simhan
A blue gradient background with navy text has “The D-30 Disability Impact List” at the top centered above “2023 Honoree” which is in between two laurels. The words “Sowmya Simhan, India” are to the left of a picture of Sowmya, which fills the right. Sowmya is a medium-skinned woman with short dark hair. She is wearing a pink sari and gold jewelry. At the bottom, “Diversability, #D30DisList.” fills the left corner.
Sowmya Simhan (She/her/hers)
Founder Trustee, Sukriti Social Foundation
Sowmya Simhan is a polio survivor and founded the Sukriti Social Foundation in 2006 to serve people with disabilities. Sukriti was established with the primary goal of empowering people with disabilities and providing them with the support they need to lead fulfilling lives. Sowmya has an exceptional ability to inspire others through her personal story of triumph over adversity. Her resilience and unwavering determination serve as a beacon of hope, motivating mothers of children with congenital disabilities to overcome challenges and has instilled hope in their hearts. She has given these mothers the strength to persevere by providing support and guidance, igniting a sense of optimism.
Under her able leadership, around 4000 children with disabilities were supported with orthopedic shoes and 1000 children were saved from lifelong crippling conditions.
This past year, a group of 4 disabled adults living in rural Tamil Nadu had lost their livelihood in Covid and were neck deep in debt. She helped them to rebuild their lives. One was given a Milch cow, two others were helped to earn income by rice sales, and one other was supported for doing candy sales. All are well earning their daily bread now.