Rose Perry

A blue gradient background with navy text has “The D-30 Disability Impact List” at the top centered above “2023 Honoree” which is in between two laurels. The words “Rose Perry, she/her/hers, USA” are to the left of a picture of Rose, which fills the right. Rose is a White woman with blonde hair pulled back. She is wearing a dark shirt, necklace, and glasses and grinning. At the bottom, “Diversability, #D30DisList.” fills the left corner.

Rose Perry (She/her/hers)

CEO & Founder, Historicons; Executive Director & Founder, Social Creatures

United States

Rose Perry embodies the disabled community’s core value of "Nothing about us, without us," ensuring people with disabilities take the lead in health research and social impact design. She applies her lived experience with dwarfism and her training as a neuroscientist to create social change. Rose believes that diversity of perspectives and proximity to communities with lived experience leads to better solutions. 

As the Founder and Executive Director of Social Creatures, she creates inclusive health programs via community co-design, while her co-founding of Historicons sparks education, pride, and allyship around disability identity.

Having tirelessly worked to include people with disabilities in health research and social impact design locally, she stepped outside her comfort zone this past year to advocate for broader change. For instance, as a Forbes writer and public speaker, she shares her lived experience with disability, and raises awareness and calls for greater inclusion and accountability. This has not only scaled the impact of Social Creatures' and Historicons' work, but also sparked impact beyond their walls.

Tiffany Yu