Rev. Christopher Wylie

A blue gradient background with navy text has “The D-30 Disability Impact List” at the top centered above “2023 Honoree” which is in between two laurels. The words “Rev. Christopher Wylie, USA” are to the left of a picture of Christopher, which fills the right. At the bottom, “Diversability, #D30DisList.” fills the left corner.

Rev. Christopher Wylie (They/them/theirs, He/him/his)

Disability Advocate and Co-Founder Rolling Nation Network

United States

Rev. Christopher Wylie is a disabled activist musician & ordained pastor who uses their music (which is about living as a disabled person) not only to bring awareness to disability issues but also to raise funds to provide wheelchair van grants through their newly formed (2022) 501c3 nonprofit Rolling Nation Network .100% of their profits from album sales goes to wheelchair van grants. and/or if you donate to their nonprofit, you receive free music.
Rev. Christopher writes music and shares it in communities committed to justice, inclusion, and intersectionality for all people on the margins. Their mission is to educate people not only about ableism but all kinds of exclusion.

Tiffany Yu