Julianna Johnson-Yates

A blue gradient background with navy text has “The D-30 Disability Impact List” at the top centered above “2023 Honoree” which is in between two laurels. The words “Julianna Johnson-Yates, USA” are to the left of a picture of Julianna, which fills the right. At the bottom, “Diversability, #D30DisList.” fills the left corner.

Julianna Johnson-Yates (She/her/hers)

Disability Advocate

United States

Julianna Johnson-Yates does makeovers for women and single moms who live in shelters so they could feel like queens for a day despite their circumstances. She makes all of her clients feel warm and welcome whenever they sit in her chair. She also makes sure that she brings out the beauty that is already there, even if it is hidden deep inside and the client doesn’t see it. When it’s reveal time, and her client sees themselves for the first time, the huge smile she gets is something that you can see that brings her joy.

Julianna is a hard worker and thinks outside the box despite her illnesses. She is a loving wife, mother, and friend. Julianna says, “I am a Celebrity Makeup Artist and it's not everyday you see a person with a disability. I wanted to show my daughter who also has disabilities that she is more than that and can be anything she wants to be in life.”

Tiffany Yu