Julia Betancourt

A blue gradient background with navy text has “The D-30 Disability Impact List” at the top centered above “2023 Honoree” which is in between two laurels. The words “Julia Betancourt, USA” are to the left of a picture of Julia, which fills the right. At the bottom, “Diversability, #D30DisList.” fills the left corner.

Julia Betancourt (She/her/hers)

Disability Advocate

United States

Julia Betancourt is a disability rights activist who advocates for students, faculty, and staff at CUNY City College and Barnard College, among other places. She has been accepted for an internship at the UN working on disability inclusion.

At CUNY City College, Julia is one of the founding members of a committee committed to disability inclusion and access. One of her projects with this committee was successfully getting 2 accessible front doors installed in major campus buildings, with 4 more scheduled next year. She advocates for social & digital access at CCNY via an Instagram account she set up.

At Barnard College/Columbia University, she worked on an Alumnae with Disabilities panel, the first Disability Affinity Graduation this year, and is working on the first disabled alumni reunion reception in June.

As a teacher, Julia helps provide her students with the tools to identify and work towards change in their school communities. She works primarily with low-income and minority students, including a number of immigrants. She advocates for these students to get the access resources they need, to help give them the best possible chance of success. She also began and led a limb difference support group for adults. She is a self-advocate who uses her own work, including her writing, to support others.

Tiffany Yu