Puneet Singh Singhal

A peach gradient background with navy text has “The D-30 Disability Impact List” at the top centered above “2022 Honoree” which is in between two laurels. The words “Puneet Singh Singhal he/him/his India” is to the left of a picture of Puneet, which fills the right. Puneet is a person holding a mic in his hand speaking into it. At the bottom, “Diversability, #D30DisList.” fills the left corner.

Puneet Singh Singhal (He/him/his)

Founder of a non-profit organisation working towards normalizing speech disorders and an Accessibility and Disability Inclusion Advocate


Puneet is a person with stammering and he is the founder of start working toward normalizing speech & communication disorders. Also, He is an advocate for creating an accessible and inclusive society for people with different visible and invisible disabilities. Puneet’s life is an intersection of going through Poverty, Domestic violence, and bullying due to his stammering. He was born in a slum of New Delhi called Sangam Vihar, which is home to a vast number of the working class. Youngsters are indulged in drugs, violence, robbery, and all sort of illegal activities. Also, there is a steep increase in the number of suicides among youngsters due to lack of employment. For youth, there are hardly any obvious opportunities.

Puneet’s achievements in 2022- 1.) He was appointed as a member of the IUCN Commission on Education and Communication (CEC). 2.) In February 2022, He was appointed to the Global Advisor of Billion Strong chaired by Debra Ruh, a non-profit that aims to unite our global disability community. 3.) He has won the Young Achievers Award (2022) awarded by the Indian Achievers Forum. 4.) He became the first Indian to receive a Grant of USD 1000 from Awesome Foundations' Disability Chapter.

We asked Puneet if he’d like to add anything else to his accomplishments, he stated: “I am the first Indian to receive funding from Awesome Foundation Disability Chapter. https://www.awesomefoundation.org/en/projects/181974-body-without-blah-blah”

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