Annet Babirye
[Image Description: Gold centered text on a black background with gold confetti reads, “The D-30 Disability Impact List. Below, centered black text in a gold box reads, “2020 Honoree”. Below, left, white centered text reads, “Annet Babirye”. Below, centered in a gold box, black text reads, “Uganda”. To the right, a color headshot of Annet with a white outline. In the bottom left corner, the white Diversability logo with “#D30DisList” centered below in white text.]
Annet Babirye (she/her)
Social Worker
Annet has made a significant difference in her community. She has provided counseling, coaching and mentoring sessions to other persons with disabilities. Additionally, she relays career guidance to students with disabilities, and delivers motivational talks to women with disabilities among others. Her most notable achievements in the past year are her interventions on Sexual Gender Based Violence (SGBV). She aims to ensure the rights of women and girls with disabilities in her local community. Most importantly, she has intervened in a number of SGBV cases during the COVID-19 pandemic.