Brenda Mudzimu
[Image Description: Gold centered text on a black background with gold confetti reads, “The D-30 Disability Impact List. Below, centered black text in a gold box reads, “2020 Honoree”. Below, left, white centered text reads, “Brenda Mudzimu”. Below, centered in a gold box, black text reads, “Zimbabwe”. To the right, a color headshot of Brenda with a white outline. In the bottom left corner, the white Diversability logo with “#D30DisList” centered below in white text.]
Brenda Mudzimu (she/her)
Executive Director, Miss Albinism Zimbabwe Trust
Brenda advocates for persons with albinism, raises awareness, and builds confidence for those with albinism. Over the past year, she organized a career guidance program for youth with albinism in Zimbabwe, and facilitated the Miss Albinism pageant in Malawi to promote acceptance of persons with albinism nationally. She also facilitated registration for the Africa Union for Persons with Albinism. Learn more about Brenda’s work.