Sarah Jael E. Cortez

A blue gradient background with navy text has “The D-30 Disability Impact List” at the top centered above “2023 Honoree” which is in between two laurels. The words “Sarah Jael Cortez; Philippines” are to the left of a picture of Sarah, which fills the right. Sarah is a medium-skinned woman with dark hair pulled back wearing a white polo shirt. At the bottom, “Diversability, #D30DisList.” fills the left corner.

Sarah Jael E. Cortez (She/her/hers)

Founder & CEO, TERPCAP


Sarah Jael E. Cortez is a disability leader who is pioneering initiatives in the areas of human resource, education, and technology by founding her company, TERCAP,  that provides accessibility support to companies and jobseekers with disabilities. She is also a national sign language interpreter for news programs on national TV in the Philippines.

Sarah is also the Chief People Officer of Virtulahan, a multi-awarded social enterprise that breaks down employment barriers for people with disabilities, solo parents, out of school youth, recovering addicts, and indigenous people. She is also a licensed Psychometrician & Certified Human Resources Professional, and a spiritual changemaker that uses faith to drive systems change. 

Additionally, Sarah holds the following positions: Representative of the Psychological Association of the Philippines - Person with Disability Special Interest Group (PAP-PWD SIG) and Association of Neurodiverse Individuals (PAP-ANI) in the National Council for Disability Affairs (NCDA) - Consultation on the Draft Report of Phil Govt on Compliance with UNCRPD.

Tiffany Yu