Vashkar Bhattacharjee
ID: a square graphic on a blue gradient background with the header: “The D-30 Impact List, 2021 Honoree, Vashkar Bhattacharjee, he/him/his, Bangladesh.” Vashkar’s headshot on the right. Vashkar is a brown man who is wearing a gray suit and tie. At the bottom, “Diversability, #D30DisList.”
Vashkar Bhattacharjee (he/him/his)
Program Manager (YPSA) and National Consultant for Accessibility (a2i)
Having lived with a disability since birth, Vashkar cares passionately about the issues and challenges around disability and, in particular, about the issues of accessibility and inclusion. For the last 15 years, he has been working for the betterment of the Persons with Disabilities by policy formulation, advocacy, innovating assistive and accessible technologies. He has won the UNESCO award, as the first Bangladeshi, for the Digital Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities in 2018.
A few of Vashkar’s accomplishments:
Pioneered the Inclusive University Initiative, and the University of Chittagong has been declared as the 1st inclusive university in the country.
Converted 20,000+ pages of reading materials in accessible formats.
Trained 50+ PwDs on ICT skills and assistive technologies.
Supported Govt. to make information and services accessible for PwDs during the COVID-19 pandemic. E.g. National helpline 333, Mygov.
We asked Vashkar if he would like to add anything else about his accomplishments and he stated: “As a pioneer for Bangladesh, I would like to add more about my Daisy Project under which since 2005 I have converted more than 1 million pages of reading and informational materials into Daisy format most notably the conversion of all the textbooks of Class 1-12 and creation of Bangladesh’s 1st Accessible Dictionary for which I was awarded by the UNESCO in 2018. Link:”