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14th Annual “VIRTUAL” Developmental Disabilities Public Policy Conference

The 14th Annual “VIRTUAL” Developmental Disabilities Public Policy Conference inspires, educates, and empowers attendees to become advocates for Californians with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). The conference, co-sponsored by The Arc and United Cerebral Palsy California Collaboration, features nationally known speakers who have been trailblazers for promoting policies that improve the disability system — enabling people with IDD to live inclusively in their communities. Attendees include governmental officials, and leaders within the IDD community, including self-advocates, family members, support professionals, and academicians. This year, every attendee will receive a Welcome Box in advance of the conference with some wonderful surprises to make this online event experience memorable. We hope you will walk away with a deeper understanding of the current public policy reality for the disability system, and a renewed sense of empowerment to design a future together where every person has an opportunity to live their best life.


More information:

Accessibility: IDD user friendly/ Spanish/English

Any questions, please give me a call directly- 209 688-0892 or