Ahouty Kouakou
A peach gradient background with navy text has “The D-30 Disability Impact List” at the top centered above “2022 Honoree” which is in between two laurels. The words “Ahouty Kouakou he/him/his Côte d’Ivoire” is to the left of a picture of Ahouty, which fills the right. Ahouty is a black man wearing a patterned shirt smiling as he facilitates a workshop. At the bottom, “Diversability, #D30DisList.” fills the left corner.
Ahouty Kouakou (He/him/his)
Founder and Executive Director
Côte d’Ivoire
Ahouty was among the catalysts of the social movement named HONOR which has pushed the government of Cote d’Ivoire to take measures in order to recruit annually 200 qualified people with disabilities to work in the public administration. As a trainer, Ahouty uses His personal experience to inspire and galvanize other people with disabilities who have lost a ray of hope in their lives in the communities. He is an open-minded person, he does not make exclusion in his actions. He does not consider religion, sexual orientation, or ethnic group to serve beneficiaries. He always respects the choices of individuals. Ahouty collaborates with people of the organizations of lesbians and gays, and people living with HIV/AIDS and work in synergy with them on some critical social issues in order to address them.
Ahouty has implemented a project titled « My dignity » which taught techniques of embroidery to people with disabilities and provided them with 20 sewing machines. Thanks to this initiative, beneficiaries are financially independent. Besides, he built the capacity of 100 representatives of the organizations of people with disabilities on their digital rights, and online safety measures and make the internet accessible creating 3 cybercafes for 3 organizations of people with disabilities in Cote d’Ivoire.