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How to Create and Strengthen Relationships Through More Meaningful Conversation with Lisa Kalfus

This is an interactive experience to deepen connection with each other and bring simple ways to do that in their business & life by learning how to quickly get below the surface in our conversations. Flow includes light touch insight shares that are simple, yet effective, and then rest is interactive small group conversation to connect more together, practice, and also gives a taste on the power to make shifts in their day-to-day lives to connect with more intention.

In this experience the group will learn how to level up 3 simple ways to connect better in conversation to accelerate and strengthen relationships with people you meet, work with, care about and love.

Everyone will walk away feeling more connected with other participants, and have an understanding of how to show up with more curiosity, presence and compassion to have people quickly feel more connected and seen, to create connected relationships of open communication, trust, and belonging.

Meet Lisa,

Founder of Firestart Connections


Lisa Kalfus is a Connection Alchemist who is a master at helping people have more connected conversations and relationships. She does this by asking insightful questions and guiding conversations that spark people's curiosity in each other.

Lisa deeply believes that the quality of our relationships determines the quality of our lives and our success in business. The quality of our conversations are the gateway to strong relationships.

Access: This event will use Zoom's auto-captioning and the recording will be captioned with a link to the rough transcript. If you have other access needs, please message me!

PLEASE NOTE: All events are open to everyone, whether you're feeling up for being on camera or not! Please participate as little or as much as you like. Your camera being on is TOTALLY optional. We understand that everyone has their own comfort level with this.

Header image description: on a peach gradient background, text in navy blue, "Community Mixer"