With the start of the new school year for many, Diversability will be hosting a virtual panel discussion on disability and ableism in education. Join us on Tuesday, September 28th at 7 pm ET as we discuss a variety of topics related to education and disability. We'll explore the unique barriers and opportunities for our community, cover tools, tips, and resources for accessible learning, examine the impacts of a variety of issues on accessible education, and share stories from a panel of guests each with their own experiences.
Where: A Zoom link will be emailed to you 15 mins before the event begins.
Access notes: Attendees may keep their videos off for privacy or comfort, and are free to leave at any time. All sessions will be in English and ASL interpreters will be present. We will also use Zoom's auto-captioning feature. Please email Whitney Bailey at whitney@mydiversability.com for other accessibility needs and/or questions.
ID: Image description: Peach background with a gradient orange & blue border. There's navy blue text, "7pm Eastern, September 28, 2021. Diversability Unplugged: Disability and Ableism in Education." There are five headshots with their info underneath. Jade Kolbo (she/her), a Caucasian woman with red hair smiling, Adjunct professor. Dr. Victor Pineda (he/him), a Caucasian man in a suit in a wheelchair smiling, Founder and President. Merlyna Valentine (she/her), a woman with short brown hair and a red blouse smiling, Speaker/Consultant. Jay Dolmage (he/him), a Caucasian man in a gray suit leaning on a table and smiling, behind him is a bookcase. Professor of English. Michelle Aldas, a woman with curly black hair wearing a black jacket & smiling, Graphic Design Student. Underneath is text, "RSVP: https://bit.ly/educationunplugged. ASL interpreters/auto captioning will be provided. Sliding scale tickets available. Diversability Leadership Collective members receive complimentary tickets."