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Online: Disability, Faith & Community Action: A Crip Camp Conversation

Join us for a candid and timely conversation about how faith and disability communities can take action to to keep disabled and chronically ill people safe and alive during this dangerous time of COVID-19. 

Date: Tueday June 9, 2020

Time: 7-8:30 pm Eastern / GMT-4 / 4-5:30 pm Pacific

Hosts: The Institute on Theology and DisabilityThe Paul K. Longmore Institute on Disability; and Reclamation Press

Focus: Share Knowledge and Take Action

This conversation is inspired and framed by the groundbreaking new film,Crip Camp, which shows the disability-led revolution that changed the United States and influenced the world. Speakers will share the current realities that disabled people are facing during COVID-19; provide examples of disability-led efforts for justice such as #NoBodyIsDisposable; share stories from mutual aid workers about how to build local networks for home delivery of safety supplies, food, and other essential resources; and explore how faith communities can act in solidarity. 


Rabbi Julia Watts Belser, associate professor of Jewish Studies and Disability Studies at Georgetown University, whose work brings queer feminist disability ethics into conversation with Jewish tradition.

* Patrice Strahan, core member of Disability Justice Culture Club, a disabled-led, international leader in creating successful BIPOC-led mutual aid networks.

Additional speakers will be announced, including experts on disability and COVID-19 and national leaders on effective mutual aid work led by local religious communities. 

This is a Fundraiser: 

Our goal is to raise at least $15,000 to support disability-led projects that help disabled and chronically ill people to survive and thrive. There are two ways to contribute: 

* Purchase a ticket to the June 9th online event. Click the green "Tickets" button at the top of this page. Please purchase a ticket at the highest level possible. 

* If you cannot attend the June 9th event, make a donation by clicking here.


We are providing American Sign Language interpreters and CART (real time captioning). For other access needs, please contact us