Join us for a candid and timely conversation about how faith and disability communities can take action to to keep disabled and chronically ill people safe and alive during this dangerous time of COVID-19.
Date: Tueday June 9, 2020
Time: 7-8:30 pm Eastern / GMT-4 / 4-5:30 pm Pacific
Hosts: The Institute on Theology and Disability; The Paul K. Longmore Institute on Disability; and Reclamation Press
Focus: Share Knowledge and Take Action
This conversation is inspired and framed by the groundbreaking new film,Crip Camp, which shows the disability-led revolution that changed the United States and influenced the world. Speakers will share the current realities that disabled people are facing during COVID-19; provide examples of disability-led efforts for justice such as #NoBodyIsDisposable; share stories from mutual aid workers about how to build local networks for home delivery of safety supplies, food, and other essential resources; and explore how faith communities can act in solidarity.
* Rabbi Julia Watts Belser, associate professor of Jewish Studies and Disability Studies at Georgetown University, whose work brings queer feminist disability ethics into conversation with Jewish tradition.
* Patrice Strahan, core member of Disability Justice Culture Club, a disabled-led, international leader in creating successful BIPOC-led mutual aid networks.
Additional speakers will be announced, including experts on disability and COVID-19 and national leaders on effective mutual aid work led by local religious communities.
This is a Fundraiser:
Our goal is to raise at least $15,000 to support disability-led projects that help disabled and chronically ill people to survive and thrive. There are two ways to contribute:
* Purchase a ticket to the June 9th online event. Click the green "Tickets" button at the top of this page. Please purchase a ticket at the highest level possible.
* If you cannot attend the June 9th event, make a donation by clicking here.
We are providing American Sign Language interpreters and CART (real time captioning). For other access needs, please contact us