Podcast Episode 2 Recap: Diversability Amplified - Back to School

The second episode of Diversability Amplified is now live! This month, we joined two community members and educators to discuss the unique experiences of getting back to school for those of us living with disabilities and the people who support us. We dove into a variety of topics, to include barriers to access, opportunities for action and empowerment, stories of resilience, and how this year poses its own set of both challenges and exciting prospects for accessible learning.


Jade Kolbo is an optimistic self-starter with a flair for public relations, marketing, and writing. She is also an adjunct professor at Concordia University, St. Paul in Minnesota. She loves the written and spoken word — and wants to help others love it too. She has an MA in Strategic Communication Management and a BA in English (Journalism Emphasis) and Communications. Her expertise includes written and spoken communication, graphic design (PhotoShop, InDesign, Illustrator, PaintShop Pro), basic digital photography, MS Office Suite, Prezi, video editing (PowerDirector, Movie Maker), and social media.

Connect with Jade:
Instagram: @imjadehaley
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kolboj
Website: kolboj.myportfolio.com

Haley Moss is a lawyer, neurodiversity expert, and the author of four books that guide neurodivergent individuals through professional and personal challenges. She is a consultant to top corporations and nonprofits that seek her guidance in creating a diverse workplace, and a sought-after commentator on disability rights issues. The first openly autistic lawyer in Florida, Haley’s books include “Great Minds Think Differently: Neurodiversity for Lawyers and Other Professionals'' (ABA Book Publishing; June 2021) and “The Young Autistic Adult’s Independence Handbook” (Jessica Kingsley Publishers; November 2021). Her articles have appeared in outlets including the Washington Post, Teen Vogue, and Fast Company.

Connect with Haley:
Instagram: @haleymossart
LInkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/haleylmoss/
Website: https://haleymoss.com/

Access the Episode

You can also listen to the podcast here or watch it on Youtube.

Access the transcripts here and here.
