Book Review of What’s Possible?: Plan A Better Future for Your Young Adult with Additional Needs

Book Cover of What’s Possible?: Plan a better future for your young adult with additional needs (by Graham Caldow). White background, orange and black text. Subway themed map with multiple color routes.

By Charon Knob

What’s Possible?: Plan a better future for your young adult with additional needs (Graham Caldow) aims to help readers learn the skills needed to teach to a young person with additional needs. The goal is for these skills to produce a safe and secure future as they age and even after their caregiver is gone. The author acknowledges how challenging life planning can be for parents of a young person with disabilities. “What’s Possible? provides a framework for supporting your child in building the skills they need to ‘live the life they deserve’.” Caldow highlights four key areas of focus: Daily Living, Relationships, Purpose and Finance. The book is recommended to help children:

  • Develop the skills to do more for themselves and retain their dignity

  • Build relationships and a community

  • Find an activity that gives them a purpose

  • Preserve their financial security so they can live the life they want

For me, this book is by far the best book on parenting. It is truly a gift!  It will help you reach your dream to raise your kids to live their best lives. Caldow simply and strategically lays out an all encompassing and strategic plan in the book. I see his book as a necessary tool for parents and those planning to be parents, whether they have special needs or not. 

In a gentle, thoughtful, and knowledgeable way, Caldow lays out a plan to raise your kids to love and respect who they are and what they want to be.  He provides a simple guide to assist you in teaching and practicing life skills with your child.  As parents, we want to love our children for who they are, set a positive example for them, support them, and help them to ultimately live their lives as they wish.  If this is what you want for your child, and I am guessing it is, then this is absolutely the book you need to make that dream come true!  

Charon Knob is a guest writer on the Diversability Blog and a member of the Diversability Leadership Collective

Arielle Dance