Katie Takes Over Diversability's Instagram
In case you missed it, we have been hosting a series of Instagram takeovers, featuring members of our community. Katie recently finished her takeover and took the time to answer a few more questions for us.
What is your name? Katie Vyn.
Where are you from? I live near Boston, MA.
Why did you choose to participate in your takeover? I wanted to share my story and passion for advocacy on a larger platform, specifically @diversability, because of its positive and inclusive message and energy. I also love learning from other people and being part of the social media advocacy community. It’s a powerful community. One of my favorite things about the takeover was being part of open conversations about our disabilities and how they unite us. It was healing and empowering to be a part of this, and it shed light on my own path.
What is something you wanted to share but didn’t get to during your takeover? I wanted to share more about my near death experience. I did one live talking about my surgery and being embraced spiritually with love and acceptance, but I didn’t talk as much about what it made me realize. And that is that we are all perfect the way we are. We are part of this grand universal love, God like energy. We are meant to see ourselves through this lens, rather than the stigmas and stereotypes. We are all needed as we are. As much as we crave perfection and acceptance, we are it. We are love.
What does Diversability mean to you? I’m a writer, so I love words. Diversability carries a beautiful message about not only how diverse and versatile we all are, and unique, but how our disabilities and abilities bring us together. It’s a word that inspires and guides us into moving together as a community and seeing the beauty in our lives.