Guest Post: Lolo of Sitting Pretty

We're excited to share this guest post/video from Lolo of Sitting Pretty.

Q: What does "diversability" mean to you?

Diversability is understanding that what it means or looks like to be “disabled” is individually defined by positivity, talent, and confidence. There are no limits to our expression. Our lives are not defined by outer appearance, a doctor’s diagnosis, or another’s’ judgments. Instead our bright spirits, positive beliefs, and the strength we exude everyday are forever. Diversability covers ALL people of all backgrounds with a common theme…a unique life story of courage. 

What my YouTube webseries "Sitting Pretty" is all about: 

"Sitting Pretty" is a web series created by me, Lolo, to expose the world to a new perspective of life, through the eyes of a physically disabled person. For years I've been told to "tell my story" so finally I've decided not to just tell my story, but show my story.

"What's up everybody it's Lolo. And this is my web-series "Sitting Pretty." "Sitting Pretty" is a web-series that I wanted to start to showcase my life as a disabled woman. I am here to show the good things, the challenges, all from my wheelchair. Regardless of my disability, I'm still a woman, I'm still a person, and I still go through things. (Laughs). But ultimately let me show you that, life ain't that bad, but that's only if you choose for it not to be. Please subscribe to the channel, enjoy watching. Follow me on Instagram, Twitter, @itslololove, I-t-s-l-o-l-o-l-o-v-e. Spread the word, tell the world, ya girl Lolo is here."
