Inclusion- Awareness- Visibility
Black and white image of Diversability flag carried by two individuals.
Disability Pride NYC is celebrating ADA's 27th Anniversary on July 9th. Parade goers will gather at Union Square at 11AM then March, Roll, and Ride down 5th Avenue to Washington Square Park. From 12:00-3:00, a Disability Rights festival with music, dance, comedy and speakers will take place.
If you would like to march with us, please plan to meet us at 10am on July 9 at Union Square Park. To reserve your spot with us, please send your RSVP to If you sign up with us, we’ll get in touch with more details about meeting place and time.
If you are unable to attend the Parade due to chronic illness or disability, we are partnering with Suffering the Silence's #MarchingWithMe so that you can be present! Sign up as a Supporter at and we will pair you up with one of our Marchers.
How you can contribute
Volunteer to build for the parade
Donate toward cost of parade
Sponsorship opportunities at
The mission of Disability Pride NYC is to promote inclusion, awareness, and visibility of people with disabilities, and redefine public perception of disability. Our goal is to establish an annual Disability Pride parade in New York City and to support people with disabilities in whatever way we can.