The show is Realabilities, an original musical for young audiences about kids with disabilities, played by Avenue Q-style puppets, who confront bullying at their school. As Uno, a child with autism, faces the challenge of competing in his school's math competition, his friends with varying disabilities - from ADHD, to visual, hearing and physical impairment - rally in support, while facing their own setbacks and victories.
Concept and book by Nava Silton
Music and lyrics by Bonnie Gleicher
Directed by Jessi D. Hill
There are three 50-minute performances at Marymount Manhattan College:
- A Sunday matinee - Dec. 18th at 2:30pm
- A Sunday evening show - Dec. 18th at 7:30pm
- A Monday morning show - Dec. 19th at 10am (an NYC school is coming to this performance!)
Location: 221 E. 71st St. (between 2nd and 3rd Ave.) in the Regina Peruggi Room, second floor.
RSVP: bonniegleicher3 at gmail